Saturday, July 21, 2007

Things Rae loves....

Spending time with "bamma",having a good time,
hanging out in my playhouse,
blowing bubbles,
jumping on the tramp (however I'm sitting right now)
and flipflops!
Just to give you a glimsp into my life, here's what I did this week:
colored permanent marker on a quilt "bamma" made,
poured my own applejuice, and spilled most of it on the table, chairs, & floors,
played in the toilet and emptied the water onto the floor,
squeezed a bottle of lotion onto the rug,
got my own bottled water from the outside fridge and left the door open,
pull fun things out of the kitchen trash,
and emptied a box of Kleenex in the bathroom.
I try to keep my mom on the move. She really doesn't have enough to do around here.


  1. She is so cute! I want to nibble on her chunky little legs wearing those flip flops.

  2. Ok so where did you guys get the PINK trampoline???? Very cute!!


San Fransico, Post Card Row

San Fransico, Post Card Row